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Sancy Suraj: The Inspirational Speaker Who’ll Help You Remember to Believe in Yourself 

Sancy Suraj is an inspirational speaker, memory athlete, and memory trainer who has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to overcome self-doubt and believe in themselves. He is the CEO of Knowles Training Institute, The Umonics Method, and Pinnacle Minds, and has achieved one world Guinness World Record and six...


Unlocking the Secrets of Memory: Sancy Suraj’s Guinness World Record For The Longest Colours Sequence Memorized

Unlocking the Secrets of Memory: Sancy Suraj's Guinness World Record For The Longest Colours Sequence Memorized As the editor of this publication, I had the privilege of interviewing Sancy Suraj, the record-breaking memorization expert who has recently made headlines with his incredible feat of memorizing the longest color sequence in...